Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Cleansing For an Abundant Life

Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Cleansing 
For an Abundant Life
~ Gwilda Wiyaka~

Every tradition has some sort of cleansing practice designed to support physical health and spiritual enlightenment. Jesus was reported to have spent forty days fasting in the wilderness.
Some accounts indicate that Buddha spent 49 days fasting to facilitate his enlightenment.
The Native American Lakota people practice the Inipi, or sweat lodge ceremony, to purify body and spirit to assist in healing, or before any major spiritual event.
There are traditional herbs for purging used by some societies, and the list goes on.
If we set aside the religious variations, and simply look at the cleansing practice, we see that spiritual enlightenment and, for that matter, physical, emotional and mental health, is a question of frequency. The more our systems are bogged down by toxins on all of these levels, the more our frequency is compromised.
What are these toxins? Where do they come from? What effect do they have on the overall quality of our life? How can we, as modern people, free ourselves of toxins? What are the benefits of cleansing?

Our guest this hour may have some surprising answers to these very questions. 

Join The Science of Magic Radio as host Gwilda Wiyaka interviews Jonathan Glass, the author of “Total Life Cleanse” and a Master Acupuncturist, Certified Ayurvedic Therapist, and herbalist: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/13567795


  1. Gwilda, such a pleasure to be interviewed by you! Your questions reveal your depth, understanding and passion for personal and universal healing. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share and for all you do!!

    1. Jonathan,
      thank you for all you are bringing to the world in such a balanced and informed way! The pleasure was all mine.
      In gratitude,
      ~ Gwilda ~

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