Saturday, December 2, 2017

Resilience as a Super Power

Resilience as a Super Power 
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~

From junior high through my first college degree, I lived in boarding schools and dorms in Switzerland. I was on the ski team and ski patrol in the winter, and enjoyed mountain climbing and backpacking during the summer months.

This gave me the unique opportunity to be around people from various nationalities and walks of life in extreme conditions.

During this time, I observed that, regardless of age, nationality or gender, some people just kept on going no matter the circumstance and others folded at the first sign of stress.This
was valuable information. You didn’t want to have a folder on the other side of the climbing rope when you fell while learning to direct aid climb.

I’ve always wondered why some people seem to have that magical, special “something” enabling them to hyper perform and bounce back from injury – dig deep when they’re at the last of their endurance, and find the strength from some mystical somewhere to succeed against all odds; while others, try as they may, simply cannot rally.

Where does this magic come from? Is one born resilient, or is it a skill that can be acquired? What wonders could we achieve, if we could access that mysterious well of inner strength?

Join The Science of Magic Radio as host Gwilda Wiyaka interviews Nancy Maxfield-Wilson, M.S., M.A, CPC, the founder of Max Performance, LLC, a resilience-building company who empowers busy leaders by maximizing performance, wellness, and  happiness through the science of the mind-body system:


  1. Gwilda, what a great perspective you bring from your own background with respect to resilience, loved the search and rescue perspective in particular...indeed, your thought about what wonders we could achieve, if everyone could increase their capacity by learning to manage their stress, energy and focus by developing resilience..thank you for hosting this amazing conversation and bringing it to the world!

  2. It was my pleasure Nancy. Thank you for bringing to light the importance of resilience. Cultivating it can not only change our individual lives but the world as well.
