Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Stuck Story: Tell Your Stories to Transsform Your Life

The Stuck Story
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Every shamanic society understands what the modern world seems to have forgotten: Our stories create our reality.

In traditional societies, stories were told and retold. A person’s story was considered sacred. Each member of the society was encouraged to share their stories. Through this sharing, not only was wisdom compiled, but the elders helped reframe individual stories in order to create a more complete truth.

In the process of sharing our stories, we pull them from the recesses of our unconscious and into the light of day where they can be examined for accuracy. When our stories are left untold, they get stuck, rendering them only partially true and leaving us to live delusional, unprocessed lives.

Through sharing our stories, we integrate our experience and release our denials. This allows our reality to evolve and frees us to live in authenticity.
In modern day society, the oral tradition of storytelling around the fire has virtually been lost.

However we can write.

Can we use the art of writing to process our stories? Can the pen witness us as well as members of the tribe? Can we transform our stories, and therefore our lives, through the written word?

With us this hour to explore the power of the pen is Diana Raab, the author of “Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life.” She is an award-winning writer, speaker, and educator who advocates the transformative powers of writing. Diana blogs for Psychology Today, PsychAlive, Thrive Global, and many others. She holds writing workshops around the country.
Her website:
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